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 2024-01-18 12:41:46  阅读 446




My dream


My dream is to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher because I like children.

When I was a student, I always thought the teacher was great.

If I really become a teacher, I will definitely work hard.


Now I am studying in the first year of XX University. A few days ago, I attended the briefing of your university (Hamamatsu University) and enjoyed it very much. After I went back, I made a more detailed investigation. (add a little in the middle, for you, what this school knows,


So this paragraph is written by yourself) . It is my dream to study in such an excellent university, and my major in travel management is an opportunity for me to study.

I told my parents what I thought and got great approval. My father works in XXX (because when Japanese universities accept China students, they are most worried about the salary problem, that is, they can't afford the tuition. In this paragraph, you should write down the salary payment ability of your salary payer.


For the above reasons, please be sure to let me enter Hamamatsu University. Please take care.

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